Sunday, August 31, 2008

What I did on vacation this year by: Larry

Hi Gang: Last month (Aug 2nd - 18th) I went to Oregon to see my son's. Jeff, the youngest, lives in Salem. He met me at the airport in Portland which has grown and changed so much I hardly recognized it. We stopped on the way to Salem to see my granddaughter and the three greatgrand children. I could hardly believe how the kids have grown and matured; made me feel old. I spent the first week at Jeff's, working around the house (picture my work). That Wednesday night we went to the down town area that virtually closed off for a food and wine festival. That area has vineyards and wineries all over the place. It wasn't that way when I lived there; of course that was 33 years ago. Hot, it was unbelivable hot, in the high 90's and 100's and the evenings didn't cool off much. Then at the end of the week it cooled off and actually rained one night. It started heating up again and Sunday so Jeff & I headed for the coast in his motorhome. We met my oldest (55) son Ron at Lincoln City. He brought his boat down for a week of fishing in the Ocean. You could still catch coho salmon. Monday we went out of Depoe Bay and caught 5, that afternoon we went to Newport where we planned to stay till Sunday. Tuesday we went out and by 2:00 pm we caught 6 more; all were a good size as you can see from the picture, the biggest ones were mine. The next day they closed the salmon season. The rest of the week we were weathered in so went crabing in the bay and fiddled around; Salem was 105+ degree. Sunday the ocean calmed a little so we headed out for Halibut fishing. Sixteen miles out and two hours of fishing the ocean began to kick up so we headed in. I'll tell you, two hours traveling in those waters, heading for port, I was glad to to reach the calm waters of the bay. All in all It was a great trip and a wonderful time to spend with my son's, see picture, I'm the slim one in the middle.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

George Erdman for President

In this election year we have had little choice for President. Now something new has come to light; there is hope after all. Click on the following link and see what I mean.
PS:At the bottom of the tv screen click on the (>) to start video.