Monday, February 11, 2008

Lou In Egypt

This is a picture, one of several, of Lou on his fabulous, spectacular, amazing trip to Egypt. He has written some very colorful commentary about his trip, perhaps he will share more with us in the future.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Elliott has signed in.

Well it is more complicated than I expected but I will work with it over time. I will have to get some interesting photos up and running. Larry has done a fantastic job in getting this going and I really hope we get everyone providing at least a brief note.
News, hey yesterday, Nancy Pratt stopped by on her way to New Zealand. She looks great, I think her hair is a little darker than I remember, but it has been 7 years already! She resigned from BI a couple of months ago and has a very cool job with a Sales Training/Consulting company and talks a very sophisticated line about it. She owns her house in Ct and is shopping for a second home in Florida near her mother. Hey Lou, how about selling her your penthouse condo in Florida?
Donna and I have been spending a lot of time the past few weeks in Taho, last week was spectacular with 3 days of solid snow and the powder was alomost too deep for me. I am around the city this weekend and we are enjoying glorius sunshine. Next couple of days at the vineyard to check out any damage from the storms and planning some grafting and replanting for Spring.
Will stay in touch.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Sandy Lee Belshe Update

Hi All - Just a quick posting today. Here's my family unit, including my husband Bob and our daughter Nyla. She is just over 8 months old and has just gotten her second tooth. It is a very busy time for us but we are having so much fun. Hope you are all well! - Sandy